Window, orifice or filter foil inserts option are offered for the following vacuum valve series:

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve
10.8 UHV Gate Valve
15.0 FV/ 15.1 HV/ 15.2 UHV Isolation Gate Valve
16.2 HV Pendulum Isolation Valve

Options for 01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve

The MONOVAT sealing technology used in the 01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve allows a window, orifice or filter foil to be mounted into the vacuum valve gate. These can be integrated by simply opening the valve housing without removing the valve from the system. The window, orifice or filter foil is sandwiched between the O-ring and a screwable retainer ring. A special mounting tool, supplied with each valve when the option is ordered, allows easy replacement.

Options for 01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Window

The window insert is placed in the valve gate. The window gals is sandwiched between an O-ring and a screwable retainer ring to easy change it, if needed.

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Window
01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Window dimension drawing

aSection A-AfWindow glass
bValve gategScrewed retainer ring
cElastomer seal for window Ø21.95 x 1.78hThickness of gate 4 mm
dDiameter of glass Ø24 ±0.2iThickness of glass 1.5 ±0.1
eOptically free diameter Ø21 ±0.2jHoles for assembly tool
Window specificationOptically free diameter: 21.0±0.2
Outer diameter: 24.0±0.2
Glass thickness: 1.5±0.1
Standard window glass material: Borosilicate or sapphire (Other materials have to be supplied by the customer)
OptionsBlanking plate in gate (instead of a window glass)
2 valves welded together
3 valves welded together
Spare partsElastomer seal
Retainer ring to hold window glass in place.
Assembly tool
Borosilicate window glass
Sapphire window glass
Blanking plate
Leak testingEach valve is leak tested with the window glass installed.

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Orifice

The orifice in the gate enables a controlled flow. This option is usually only used for two valves welded together.

Standard Orifice in Gate (0.05 to 15 mm)

The orifice is sandwiched in the same way as a windows glass between an O-ring and a screwable retainer ring. It enables a controlled flow and is usually combined with another valve to provide the isolation function. Both valves are in such a configuration welded together to avoid additional sealing requirements.

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Orifice - Standard Orifice in Gate
01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Orifice dimension drawing - Standard Orifice in Gate
aSection A-AeDiameter of orifice 24.0±0.2
bValve gatefThickness of gate 4 mm
cElastomer seal for orifice Ø21.95 x 1.78gThickness of orifice
dScrewed retainer ring Ø24 ±0.2hHoles for assembly tool
Orifice specificationSizes: 0.05 to 15 mm
Outer diameter: 24.0±0.2
Thickness: 1.5±0.1
Standard material: AISI 301
OptionsOpening in gate to install a standard orifice (orifice not included)
Blanking plate in gate (instead of an orifice)
2 or 3 valves welded together
Spare partsElastomer seal
Retainer ring for standard orifice
Assembly tool
Blanking plate
orifice: 0.05 to 15 mm
Leak testingEach valve is leak tested with a blanking plate installed to ensure leak tightness at the seat. After leak testing, the blanking plate is removed and the customer-specific orifice installed.

Small Orifice in Gate (0.01 to 0.1 mm)

The orifice is sandwiched between a M4 holding screw and the gate. There is no seal between the orifice and the gate. This means that the valve is not leak tight at the seat when a blanking plate is used instead of an orifice. The orifice can be replaced with a screwdriver size 3.

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Orifice - Small Orifice in Gate
01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Orifice dimension drawing - Small Orifice in Gate
aSection A-A
bValve gate
cThickness of gate 4 mm
dDiameter of orifice 3.00/-0.05mm
eHolding screw M4
Orifice specificationSizes: 0.01 to 0.1 mm
Outer diameter: 3.00/-0.05mm
Thickness: 0.3 mm
Standard material: AISI 304
OptionsOpening in gate to install a small orifice (orifice not included)
Blanking plate in gate (instead of an orifice)
2 or 3 valves welded together
Spare partsElastomer seal
Retainer ring for small orifice
Holding screw M4
Orifice 0.01 to 0.1 mm
Blanking plate
Leak testingLeak testing is provided in the standard valve configuration without orifice or in the configuration of two valve welded together one providing the isolation function and the other the orifice feature.

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Filter Foil in Gate

Standard Filter Foils in Gate

The valve is supplied without the filter foil. This must be procured and installed separately.

01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Filter Foil in Gate
01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve with Filter Foil in Gate dimension drawing
aSection A-AfSpace for foil 0.2...0.4 mm
bValve gategRetainer ring for foil filter
cElastomer seal for foil Ø21.95 x 1.78hThickness of gate 4 mm
dDiameter of foil Ø25 ±0.2iThickness of foil 0.2 – 0.4 mm±0.1
eFree diameter Ø21 ±0.2jHoles for assembly tool
Foil filterFree diameter: 21.0±0.2mm
Outer diameter: 25.0±0.2mm
Thickness: 0.2 - 0.4 mm
OptionsOpening in gate to install a foil filter (foil filter not included)
2 or 3 valves welded together
Spare partsElastomer seal
Retainer ring for foil filter
Assembly tool
Leak testingEach valve is leak tested with a blanking plate and a window retainer ring. The retainer ring for foil filter is only installed after the leak test procedure.

LUXEL (VF111) Filter Foil in Gate

The LUXEL(VF111) filter foil line brings several advantages to soft X-ray applications. The filters are threaded into the gate valve and are designed to reject visible light, to remove soft scattered radiation, and to limit the X-ray/EUV bandpass to the area of interest. The valve is always supplied without the LUXEL filter. The valve or retainer ring has to be send to LUXEL company to have the filter installed. The retainer ring with the LUXEL filter can be replaced without the need to change the bonnet seal or removing the valve from the system. Compared to design option with window, the only difference is the retainer ring. The gate, the O-ring and the assembly tool do not differ.

LUXEL (VF111) Filter Foil in Gate
LUXEL (VF111) Filter Foil in Gate dimension drawing
aSection A-AfLUXEL filter
bValve gategRetainer ring for LUXEL filter
cElastomer seal for foil Ø21.95 x 1.78hThickness of gate 4 mm
dDiameter of foil Ø20.6 ±0.1 ±0.05iThickness of LUXEL filter 1.74 0-0.1
eFree diameter Ø15.9 ±0.2jHoles for assembly tool
Foil filter specificationFor detailed information please consult the LUXEL website
OptionsOpening in gate to install a LUXEL filter (filter not included)
2 or 3 valves welded together
Spare partsElastomer seal
Retainer ring for LUXEL filter
Assembly tool
Leak testingEach valve is leak tested with a blanking plate and a window retainer ring. The retainer ring for LUXEL filter is only installed after the leak test procedure.

Option for 10.8 UHV Gate Valve

10.8 UHV Gate Valve with Window

The 10.8 UHV Gate Valve uses the VATLOCK sealing technology. To integrate the window in the gate the sealing mechanism is slightly altered to avoid the leaf spring obstructing the optically free passage of the window.

10.8 UHV Gate Valve with Window
10.8 UHV Gate Valve with Window dimension drawing
DN 63DN 100
Ø a70100
Ø b46±0.250±0.2
Ø c4043
Ø dM48x1.5M52x1.5
10.8 UHV Gate Valve with Window dimension drawing
DN 160DN 200
Ø a150200
Ø b75±0.297±0.2
Ø c6890
Ø d90113
Window specificationThe maximum size of the window is defined by the VATLOCK mechanism. In this regard, the valves DN 250 and DN 320 do not allow a window.

Standard window material: Borosilicate or sapphire (other materials have to be supplied by the customer)

Optically free diameter C
valve DN 63: 40 mm
valve DN 100: 43 mm
valve DN 160: 68 mm
valve DN 200: 90 mm

Glass thickness
valve DN 63 – 100: 4 mm
valve DN 160 – 250: 6 mm

Mounting position of valve: Any
Spare partsAssembly tool for window exchange DN 63
Assembly tool for window exchange DN 100
Leak testingEach valve is leak tested with a blanking plate and a window retainer ring.

Option for 15.0/ 15.1 HV/ 15.2 UHV Isolation Gate Valve

15.0/ 15.1 HV/ 15.2 UHV Isolation Gate Valve with Window, Orifice or Foil Filter in gate

The series 15 UHV isolation vacuum gate valves uses the MONOVAT sealing technology, similar to the 01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve. In this regard the same technical specification apply. Please refer therefore to the 01.0 Mini UHV Gate Valve section. The maximum size of a window, orifice or foil is generally defined by the diameter of the gate.

15.0/ 15.1 HV/ 15.2 UHV Isolation Gate Valve with Window, Orifice or Foil Filter in gate
15.0/ 15.1 HV/ 15.2 UHV Isolation Gate Valve with Window, Orifice or Foil Filter in gate
15.0/ 15.1 HV/ 15.2 UHV Isolation Gate Valve with Window, Orifice or Foil Filter in gate dimension drawing
bRetainer ring

Options for 16.2 HV Pendulum Isolation Valve

16.2 HV Pendulum Isolation Valve with Window

The series 16.2 uses a pendulum valve design that allows to mount large windows. E.g., a DN 250 valve can have a window with an optical free diameter of 200 mm. Also having more than one window in the gate is an option. The window is sealed by O-rings that also prevent glass-metal contact during thermal expansion.

16.2 HV Pendulum Isolation Valve with Window
16.2 HV Pendulum Isolation Valve with Window dimension drawing
e, fSeals
Valve seat side
Window specifications
Valve size DNWindow materialOptically free
diameter "A"1 mm
Thickness of glass
on request
on request

1 Above specification includes the largest possible windows. Smaller windows on request. Due to the weight of the window, it is not possible to mount the valve in any position.